Beast Boy Teen Titans

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Chances are that you are a fan of Teen Titans, a popular comic book series that turned into a popular television series. One of the characters is an annoying little kid named Beast Boy. Since he can shape-shift into anything he wants, he takes advantage of this ability to use it in a joking manner, making irritating puns and drags down the rest of the team. In most stories, he can only shape-shift into a non-sentient animal. This means no humans, Kryptonians like Superman, super-powered aliens like Martian Manhunter, or honestly anything useful. But he can turn into an elephant or a gorilla, which gives him strength and density. But up against Darkseid, he would just have a zigzag laser blast right through his torso. Even if he could imitate someone, his green skin wouldn’t exactly blend in.

Beast Boy Origin

Beast Boy, the lovable Teen Titans character, is as green as they come – both literally and metaphorically. Ever since his debut, fans have been debating about his usefulness as a superhero. Some call him the comic relief, but others call him annoying. Born Garfield Logan, he gained his powers after contracting a rare disease known as Sakutia. His folks, both researchers, were able to save his life by administering a serum made from the DNA of a green monkey. This serum not only cured him, but also gave him the power to change into whatever beast he desires.

But what exactly is he good for? Beast Boy may not be the most powerful member of the group, however he certainly brings a unique perspective to their missions. His ability to transform into animals has been beneficial in many situations, including infiltration and reconnaissance. As for his love interests, Beast Boy has had a few throughout the comic series, including Terra and Raven. Terra was a fellow superhero who could alter the Earth. Beast Boy developed strong feelings for her, but had a complex relationship because of her unstable feelings and loyalty to the villainous Slade. This takes place during The Judas Contracts story arc, the same time period when Robin becomes Nightwing.

Beast Boy and Terra

It’s hard to say this, but Beast Boy has to be one of the weakest, and even dumbest, members of The Teen Titans. Let’s be real here, if you’re up against villains who can destroy entire planets or manipulate reality itself, what good is turning into a hamster going to do? But hey, at least he makes for a great punching bag when the other Titans need to relieve some stress. His weaknesses, but physically and mentally, paint a bullseye on his back for any villain who want to hurt the team. He may be able to shape-shift into a wooly mammoth, but nothing inanimate and useful like a tank or a bunker to protect him. He’s a wet towel, dragging down everyone with him.

To read about Beast Boy and other Teen Titan members, you have to get the original comics (Affiliate Link) in order to appreciate the path and story that these characters took to get to where they are now. Getting your information second-hand, like from a television show, isn’t it going to cut it if you are a true fan of the Teen Titans.