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If you had ever played the Parasite Eve PS1 games, you may have wondered about The Third Birthday. Developed by Square Enix, this third-person shooter and action role-playing game is full of intense combat, stylish costumes, and unique accessories. The gameplay mechanics are not unlike Mindjack, featuring a dynamic combat system that keeps you on your toes. As Aya Brea, the sensual protagonist, you’ll find your clothes becoming scant and torn as you take damage, adding a visual element to the game’s intensity.

As mentioned, The Third Birthday’s gameplay is reminiscent of Mindjack, where you can jump into other people’s bodies using the Overdive ability. This Overdive System is central to the game’s unique mechanics. To quickly review the plot: you’re helping out the United States National Guard, essentially acting as a one-woman SWAT team, as they fight against mysterious alien creatures known as the Twisted in Manhattan, New York City. The game lets you switch and customize weapons, alternating between the M-16, shotgun, and some futuristic weapon that looks like the hammer of dawn from the Gears of War series.
The Third Birthday also boasts some cool unlockable costumes, such as a bathing suit, Santa outfit, and a suit of armor, adding a fun customization aspect to the game. One of the most interesting gameplay mechanics is the Overdrive function. When activating Overdrive, Aya goes berserk, becoming invisible while teleporting around at enhanced speeds, allowing for some truly spectacular combat sequences.

Despite the great gameplay, intense boss battles (including confrontations with the enigmatic Hyde Bohr), varied costumes, and weapon customization options, some people want to play The Third Birthday PSP game because of an elusive shower scene. This scene takes place in the gym locker room when you prompt it while exploring the area. Rumors suggest it becomes unlocked after playing the game 100 times (yeah right), but in reality, you can watch the scene after completing a certain number of missions if you keep attempting to take a shower whenever you have the chance. It’s also rumored that you can access this scene by simply using the shower at the first opportunity you have in the game. Honestly though, it’s nothing special, and there’s no nudity.
So there you have it. There are many reasons to play The Third Birthday, from its connection to the beloved Parasite Eve series to its unique Overdive System and engaging combat. It’s a fan-favorite action role-playing game that you’ll love, set in a Twisted version of New York City. The game also touches on the story of Eve Brea, adding depth to the Parasite Eve lore. Be sure to buy it (affiliate link) when you have a chance and experience this thrilling Square Enix title for yourself on the PlayStation Portable.