Don Jon Movie with Scarlett Johanson

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When we think of people who sit in front of their computers all day and do nothing but look at spicy content, we tend to think that they are probably ugly individuals who never get a chance to have real interactions with people. The Don Jon movie makes us ask ourselves, what if an attractive man, who has meaningless intercourse on a regular basis, could also be hopelessly addicted to graphic videos as well?

The Don Jon movie takes you through a wild storm of imagery as we experience Jon’s life (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Never thinking that putting effort into having a meaningful relationship is within reason, his viewpoint changes when he meets a “dime”, a perfect ten, played by Scarlett Johansson. Jon eventually realizes that the two of them have been chasing ideal fantasies, and that she simply wanted a puppet to manipulate. Once Jon realizes this, he begins to understand what love and intercourse is really all about: losing yourself in each other.

Let me tell you straight up – this flick is a raw, unfiltered look at how porn addiction can mentally screw with even the strongest of males. Our boy Jon is crushing it with the ladies, slaying prime boxes left and right, but he still can’t stop jerking it to porn like some thirsty weakling. That’s the mind-blowing reality check this movie drops on us. Even a total pack-leader who could easily be drowning in real boxes finds himself addicted to pixels on a screen. The way Gordon-Levitt portrays this inner struggle is brilliant – you can see the conflict between Jon’s player lifestyle and his secret shame eating away at him.

The movie hits you with truth bombs about how both men and women chase BS fantasies. Jon’s addicted to his perfect porn scenarios while his girl Barbara is living in some romantic comedy fantasy land where she can mold her man into her ideal puppet. It’s like watching two alpha personalities collide – neither willing to show vulnerability or admit they’re living a lie. The sexual tension and power dynamics between them are off the charts.

Julianne Moore’s character comes in like a boss, dropping knowledge bombs that finally wake Jon up to reality. She’s the only one keeping it real, showing him that meaningful connection isn’t about dominance or control – it’s about letting your guard down and actually feeling something genuine. Her performance is raw and authentic, cutting through all the superficial stuff that Jon’s been hiding behind.

The movie is a surprise delight, with smart writing and directing by our lead actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Julianne Moore also makes an appearance, being the one who sets the main character straight. I was very pleased to watch this movie, although the high level of adult content made me feel uncomfortable at times. Even so, the outstanding acting and performances solidified the movie and made it definitely worth watching.

As Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directing debut, the Don Jon movie is solid. If you buy into the idea this plot has, you should see this movie. You can buy it here. (affiliate link).